Watch UK 'Potter' specials on net this weekend

  July 6, 2007 at 11:44 AM ET
  Cheeser     HPANA (via News tip)
  harry potter tv, jk rowling jonathan ross, harry potter and the order of the phoenix

HPANA reader Yessie sent in a suggestion we wanted to pass along:

For those fans outside the UK who really want to watch JK Rowling and other Harry Potter specials there on TV this weekend, a web site called Live TV UKopens in new window claims to offer a free seven day trial with no credit card required. They say they offer live feeds plus 5-, 8-, and 16-hour delayed feeds.

Important: No endorsement or guarantee is implied by this friendly announcement. However, the service has been verified by HPANA as working. Children, get you parent's permission before registering.

  • BBC One, 10:35 p.m. GMT, Tonight: Author JK Rowling guests on Friday Night with Jonathan Ross
  • ITV, 7 p.m. GMT, Saturday: Order of the Phoenix movie special

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