Dan & Emma at premiere
Dan & Emma at premiere

Updated: 'Order of the Phoenix' premiere coverage

  July 4, 2007 at 11:01 AM ET
  Geri     HPANA
  harry potter and the order of the phoenix movie, order of the phoenix movie, ootp movie

Even with torrential downpours hundreds of fans turned up at Leicester Square today in London for the Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix premiere. Photos of the red-carpet arrivals are beginning to appear online and will have additional coverage posted shortly.

You can view video interviews with the cast:

Part 1opens in new window
Part 2opens in new window
Part 3opens in new window

Thanks to the wonderful people over at FictionAlleyopens in new window for the video:

SpellCast producer Sidney talked to Dan (who has some adorable things to say about Bonnie), Emma, Rupert, Devon, Imelda, Alfie, the Phelps brothers, David Heyman, Michael Goldenberg and more - and even caught a few words with JK Rowling. Lots of the interviewees - but not JKR - spoke about their predictions for Deathly Hallows. Sid also spoke to a bunch of fans, and found some Death Eaters lurking around.


Afterparty photosopens in new window
Rediffopens in new window
Getty Imagesopens in new window - use the search team Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix
WireImageopens in new window
Rex Featuresopens in new window
CBBCNewsopens in new window

Articles on the event:


UPDATE: You can view some high-resolution images from the premiere hereopens in new window courtesy of HarryPotterTrioopens in new window and hereopens in new window courtesy of EWOnlineopens in new window.


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