Imelda Staunton
Imelda Staunton

Update: Trio & Imelda talk 'Order of the Phoenix'

  June 25, 2007 at 6:49 AM ET
  Geri     HPANA (via
  harry potter and the order of the phoenix movie, order of the phoenix movie, ootp movie, dan radcliffe, rupert grint, daniel radcliffe, imelda staunton

Publicity seems to be in full swing for Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix with interviews of the cast popping up everywhere. In a new video featuring Imelda Staunton, Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint and Emma Watson each talk about the movie and the past films.

They all appeared on Australia's Sunriseopens in new window morning show and you can download the video hereopens in new window. Thanks to Page from for the link.

UDPATE: You can see additional interviews hereopens in new window from Sky News and hereopens in new window from GMTV in the UK. Thanks again to Page for the videos.

UPDATE II: Another videoopens in new window from Australia's Current Affair is now also available for download. Thanks again Page.


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