'Phoenix' Death Eater
'Phoenix' Death Eater

Video snippet of 'OotP' preview to be shown on ABC Family

  November 16, 2006 at 5:27 PM ET
  Geri     HPANA
  harry potter and the order of the phoenix movie, order of the phoenix movie

To celebrate Christmas U.S. television station ABC Familyopens in new window will be showing the first three Harry Potter movies, including the extended version of Prisoner of Azkaban, the weekend of December 1st. We now have the commercial currently airing on the station which includes scenes from the upcoming Order of the Phoenix:

A description can be read below courtesy of MuggleNetopens in new window.

The first thing that you see is two (what appear to be) Death Eaters, one with a blue mask and one with a green mask, I believe. It then switches to a scene with Harry in it looking scared and sweaty. Then it switches to a scene with Harry, Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Neville, and Luna riding broomsticks in London right over the Thames River. You see the London Bridge in the background and you see a cruise tour boat that they are flying past. Then it switches to Harry, Ron, and Hermione in the Forbidden Forest backing away from something - it's either Grawp or the Centaurs. Then it switches to Harry, Hermione, Ron, Luna, Neville, and Ginny flying past the Houses of Parliament/Big Ben. And then it switches to Harry flying towards the screen with London in the background, over the Thames River.


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